Support Dane County Teams

Support the Dane County Neighborhood Teams

There are 23 neighborhood action teams in Dane County, many in Madison and several more in surrounding communities.

The  Democratic Party of Dane County has offered to support the team expenses. Please make a donation to the Democratic Party of Dane County (aka Dane Dems) – Here is an Act Blue link for NAT/Dane Dems!  SUPPORT TEAMS HERE

What are Neighborhood Action Teams?

Neighborhood Action Teams are groups of local volunteer activists working to engage voters in their own communities in supporting Democratic and progressive candidates up and down the ballot in Wisconsin. 

Neighborhood Action Teams formed across the state during the 2008 Presidential election as an integral part of the Obama campaign’s emphasis on grassroots organizing.  There are currently about 250 Neighborhood Action Teams statewide and 23 teams in Dane County. 

Why are Dane County Neighborhood Actions Teams uniquely effective?

  1. Neighborhood Action Teams organize year-round.  In traditional party organizing, paid field organizers – usually hired just a few months before an election and often coming from out-of-state – knock doors to get out the vote. In Neighborhood Action Teams, local volunteers not only canvass at election time, but are also active between elections, doing voter education, issue advocacy, candidate forums, persuasion canvasses, and more. As a result, we are able to hit the ground running during election season, building on our ongoing relationships rather than starting from scratch.
  2. Neighborhood Action Teams embody the idea that all politics is local.  Volunteers are drawn to sign up with their local team, volunteer with them week after week, and connect with voters at the doors not only because they share political values and ideals, but also because they are connected to each other through work, school, and community.  
  3. As a result, Neighborhood Action Teams have contact rates that are exponentially higher than traditional models.  For example, In the Fall 2022 election, hundreds of volunteers knocked on over 260,000 doors and made over 60,000 phone calls to voters. And In the Spring 2023 Supreme Court election, volunteers knocked on over 110,000 doors.

What is the relationship between Neighborhood Action Teams and the State and County Parties?

Dane County Neighborhood Action Teams work in conjunction with and are supported by both the Wisconsin Democratic Party and The Democratic Party of Dane County.  The WisDems Organizing Staff work with teams to strategize, plan, and support canvasses and other events.  The Dane Dems support the teams logistically and financially, providing office space, communications tools, and office supplies.

How can you support Neighborhood Action Teams?

Make a DonationOur biggest expense is renting space to launch our door-to-door canvasses, train volunteers, hold phone banks, distribute yard signs and literature, and host candidates and their surrogates.  We estimate it will cost $30,000 to rent offices for the Dane County Teams for the 2024 election cycle. Campaign finance laws prohibit Neighborhood Action Teams from raising funds directly. The Dane County Democratic Party finances our spaces. 

👉 Use the QR code or visit to donate to the Dane Dems Neighborhood Action Team fund 👈





Where can I learn more?