Canvassing has been revolutionized with the use of the MiniVAN smartphone app
- Instead of paper and a clipboard, you can canvass using this connected app on your phone or tablet. But no worries, we will always have paper if your prefer!
- It is available in the App Store or Google Play
- Here is a One Page Basic Guide
- Here is a 5 minute video
Canvassers will have access to:
- Interactive maps and lists that will help optimize routes and easily see the next target
- Branching scripts to help ask the right questions based on the responses you get
- Contact histories with more context about the person you are speaking with
- An easy way to record your results, notes, and any email or phone updates
- A progress screen that will show results from the entire team
- Identification of anyone who has Already Voted
- Automatic syncing that will send in your results whenever you have a data connection
- Integrated help and training videos