The Northside Action Team (NAT) is a Madison Wisconsin neighborhood team of volunteers supporting our progressive values and candidates.
Our activities include the following:
- Voter Registration – Our trained volunteers set up Voter Registration events on the Northside of Madison.
- Phonebanking to Volunteers – We have a core group of volunteers who make phone calls to recruit other volunteers for canvassing or phonebanking events. New volunteers are always welcome!
- Canvassing and/or Phonebanking to Voters – The goal is to reach out to voters to find out about issues of concern, inform them about upcoming elections, and to encourage them to vote for the progressive candidates.
- Manage Canvass or Phonebank Site – During an event there is a team of people that supports the canvassers by setting up the site, checking-in volunteers, training volunteers, distributing materials, providing snacks, and greeting returning canvassers.
- Data Entry and Volunteer Records – After a canvass event, a team of behind the scenes data entry people enter the responses from people that have been canvassed.
Ready to take action or just hear about our activities and events? NAT welcomes new volunteers!
Click here to get our newsletter.
If you have some thoughts to share, feel free to email us at
Lisa Aarli and Sue Gleason
Northside Action Team Co-Coordinators